It is the patrons responsibility to ensure that images are restricted to only include persons who have given their specific permission for the taking of the said image. General recording of images of patrons, staff or contractors randomly or without their specific permission is not permitted. Where a patron, staff or contractor complains that they have been included in an image where their permission was not specifically given, management will instruct the person taking the image to destroy the image.
The above clauses will not apply to any photography and/or other recording for which written approval has been given by General Manager, or his delegate representative (the senior manager on duty in the venue at the time).
The club reserves the right to refuse permission to any person to take photographs/video images at any time, regardless of this policy.
The General Manager will be the final arbiter on the application of this policy.
Where a patron is suspected of taking footage contrary to this policy, and refuses to display these images to the clubs management and delete or destroy these images at the request of club management or the photographed person through club management, the patron will be subject to disciplinary proceedings and removed from the premises.
Patrons will be permitted to take images in all areas of the Club with the exceptions outlined as follows;
Images will not be permitted to be taken:
- in any gaming area,
- in any part of any children’s areas
- in any staff work stations or staff only area,
- in any restrooms or change areas
- of adjoining or neighbours’ properties
- or in any other secured areas.
An exception to these areas may exist provided that:-
- a) consent is obtained by the area supervisor on duty at the time, and,
- b) that the images are restricted only to family member or other parties who have provided written consent.
It is the patron’s responsibility to ensure that images are restricted to only include persons who have given their specific permission for the taking of the said image. General recording of images of patrons, staff or contractors randomly or without their specific permission is not permitted. Where a patron, staff or contractor complains that they have been included in an image where their permission was not specifically given, management will instruct the person taking the image to destroy the image.
The above clauses will not apply to any photography and/or other recording for which written approval has been given by the General Manager, or his delegate representative (the senior manager on duty in the venue at the time).
Members may obtain a player activity statement that shows their spending on gaming machines over a monthly period through the club kiosks.
Bexley RSL Club operates an electronic sign-in system. The primary use of data collected is to conform to the requirements of the Registered Clubs Act 1976. For more information on this system or on personal information collected, contact the Privacy Officer at Bexley RSL Club on 9780 1303
Members are required to advise membership staff immediately of lost or stolen cards to protect their points balance.
Food and beverages are not to be brought into any Bexley RSL Club from outside unless prior approval has been granted by Management.
Rules and conditions of competitions held at each Bexley RSL Club are available on request.
Unless otherwise advertised, entry into live shows (other than children’s shows), raffles and bingo (excluding school holiday family and kid’s bingo) is restricted to over 18’s.
For shows in which children are permitted, please note that for the safety and comfort of patrons, strollers/capsules/prams are not permitted inside the show venue at any time. Children aged three years and under may be admitted free of charge if they share the same seat as a paying adult (maximum of one child per adult), except where otherwise advertised.
The NSW State Government has brought into effect The Smoke Free Environment (Amended) Act 2004 which prohibits smoking inside all licensed premises, effective 2 July 2007.
Simply put, this means that no-one can smoke anywhere inside pubs and clubs, including Bexley RSL Club clubs. Fines and penalties do apply to premises and individual offenders that smoke inside.
Section 7 of the Act indicates that the maximum fine that applies to a person that smokes in a smoke-free area is $550.
ClubSAFE Responsible Gambling Expanded Code of Practice
The Registered Clubs Code of Practice is based on the ClubsNSW (Registered Clubs Association) Problem Gambling Policy and the Best Practice Guidelines. The Code contributes to harm minimisation and conducting gambling in an environment that reflects community and club member expectations, and is a statement that the club industry takes its social responsibilities seriously. The Code is accompanied by an Advertising Code.
The Minister for Gaming and Racing approved the Code of Practice in accordance with the requirements of the Registered Clubs Act 1976 and is deemed to have also approved the Code in accordance with the requirements of the Gaming Machines Act 2001 (Schedule 1 Part 2 clause 10)
Responsible Conduct of Gambling Best Practice Guidelines
These Best Practice Guidelines represent an approach where the environment in which gambling is conducted minimises harm and meets community expectations. Registered clubs aspire to achieve a harm minimisation objective in their gambling operations by:
- Providing gambling services and practices that conform to all applicable Acts and Regulations.
- Promoting responsible gambling practices that conform to local community standards and expectations.
- Establishing a patron complaint resolution process.
- Implementing policies to encourage responsible practices in advertising and promotions related to gambling and ensure compliance with relevant legislation.
- Developing a policy that ensures all legislative requirements related to cheque cashing, payment of winnings and financial transactions are implemented and encourages patrons to develop responsible practices in the use of finances for gambling purposes.
- Introducing procedures for handling personal information relating to gambling patrons in a club to protect their rights of privacy.
- Establishing a pleasant and safe gambling environment.
- Informing and training staff on legislative requirements, harm minimisation issues, the risks of not complying with legislative requirements or not adopting and practising harm minimisation strategies and taking appropriate steps to promote patron and employee care.
- Encouraging patrons to take responsibility for their gambling activity through an effective self-exclusion procedure or other mechanisms.
- Informing patrons and staff of the club’s responsible gambling policy and program, the nature of gambling products and the availability of support services for problem gamblers.
- Developing links between the club and relevant community organisations that will provide support and advice for problem gamblers and their families.
Bexley RSL is committed to the responsible service of alcohol and the responsible service of gaming.
Every effort is made to ensure that all the information contained on this website is correct at the time of publishing; however, no guarantee is given to the accuracy of some. Information contained within this site is subject to change without notice.
Bexley RSL:-
- accepts no liability arising for any loss resulting from the use of this site.
- accepts no liability for any interference with or damage to a user’s computer, software of data occurring in connection with or relating to this site.
- accepts no liability to the availability or uptime of this site.
Bexley RSL reserves the right to amend any content on this site, without notice. Contact Club Reception with any questions on (02) 9501 1966 email info@bexleyrsl.com.au
This Club:
Recognises that it is against the law to serve any customer to intoxication.
Recognises that it is against the law to serve or supply alcohol to any patron under the age of 18.
Recognises that it against the law to allow intoxicated, disruptive or violent behaviour to occur on the premises.
Seeks to ensure that no harm comes to patrons as a result of our service of alcohol.
General Principles
Non-alcoholic beverages are provided for and are priced lower than full strength beverages.
Carafes/jugs of (iced) water are provided on a complimentary basis and are regularly refilled.
This club seeks to create an environment that discourages drunken, disruptive or violent behaviour.
This club does not seek to encourage rapid or excessive consumption of alcohol through pricing mechanisms(eg: happy hours, free drinks for women etc,)
If the service is refused, our staff will politely explain to the patron(s) that the premises cannot legally serve alcohol to the point of intoxication.
Underage Drinking
These premises have surveillance procedures designed to detect underage patrons seeking to enter the premises.
If a staff member believes that a patron who is ordering or being supplied alcohol is under 18 years of age, they will politely request appropriate identification of proof of age (passport, photo proof of age card or photo drivers’ licence).
If the patron cannot, or refuses to produce identification, the staff member will notify the Duty Manager on duty.
The Duty Manager will explain to those patrons suspected of being younger than 18 years, that licensed premises are legally required to refuse service to patrons who have no appropriate proof of age identification.
If the patrons are less than 18 years of age, or fail to produce identification, the Duty Manager will politely refuse service of alcohol and ask the patron to leave the premises. An Incident Book is maintained to record all occasions on which proof of age identification is required and consequences of that request.
Disruptive, Violent or Intoxicated Behaviour
This Club does not allow intoxicated persons to enter the premises and/or remain on the premises.
If a staff member becomes aware that a patron’s behaviour is becoming disruptive or violent, they will notify the Duty Manager or Security, Security or Duty Manager will seek to reduce the behaviour be encouraging the patron’s companions to intervene and/or provide service that may defuse the situation. (In the case of violent behaviour, the patron will be asked to leave the premises immediately).
If the behaviour cannot be reduced by the above strategies, Security will approach the patron and inform them that the establishment is legally obliged to prevent violent, disruptive or intoxicated behaviour and request that the behaviour cease.
If the behaviour does not cease, Security will request that the patron leave the premises. As a last resort, police will be called to remove the patron. In seeking to deal with a disruptive, violent or intoxicated patron, staff should take maximum precautions to ensure that they (the staff) come to no harm. Management will not place other staff in positions where they might come to harm as a result of dealing with a violent, disruptive or intoxicated person.
Patrons’ Safety
Staff members will seek to advise and encourage patrons to monitor and moderate their consumption if it is known by our staff that a patron intends to drive from the premises. Staff members will seek to discourage patrons who appear to have a blood alcohol concentration higher than the legal limit for driving. Staff will assist in any way possible to provide alternative services for patrons who may have consumed excessive alcohol. ie:
- holding car keys.
- overnight parking facilities
- suggesting alternative transport arrangements
- support of designated drivers who do not drink
Refusal of Service
If a staff member feels that a patron is becoming intoxicated, alternative options will be offered. eg: non-alcoholic drinks. If a patron is intoxicated, the staff member will inform a Duty Manager who will politely inform the patron that further service of alcohol is illegal and could jeopardise the Club’s Liquor Licence. If a patron is refused service for being intoxicated, the Duty Manager will notify the Security. Patrons who are in a state of intoxication will be asked to leave the premises by the Security or Duty Manager. Assistance by the Police may be called if a patron refuses to leave.
Support of the Above Policies
This policy has been endorsed by the Board of Directors.
All staff have been informed about this policy and its associated procedures.
This establishment seeks to publicise and promote its position on Responsible Serving Practices.
The Board and Management seek the support of all members to promote this policy and ensure that the club maintains its responsible position to its members and the local community.